# Startup Architecture & Strategic Planning
Scott's startup planning experience includes Newco development within large enterprise firms as well as substantial product and strategic planning within growth-stage firms.
## Selected Wins
* Working with internal stakeholders, delivered multiple **compelling business and technology plans for a health plan start-up**, initially targeted toward external commercial markets and later to an internal/employee focus.
* Played leadership roles in key initiatives for the organization’s Board of Directors including development of a long-term IT strategy. **Led analysis of strategic partnerships, outsourcing methodologies, market/vendor research and financial models**. Staffed multiple Board committees and routinely presented on progress against IT strategic plans and key partner initiatives.
* Developed the technical architecture for a spin-off e-health venture. Articulated **architecture and technical capabilities to potential investment and technology partners within pitch books and funding proposals**. Participated in business and financing discussions with strategic partners, securing funding commitments.
* Directed planning efforts leading to a **technology migration for the spin-off of a $2B health plan to an independent non-profit entity**. Worked with business leaders and stakeholders to create a comprehensive technical business model for the newly independent organization.
* Evaluated the **technical architecture of dot-com B2B acquisition opportunities for a $6B consumer products manufacturer/distributor**. Developed financial models and buy/build/outsource options based on the company’s emerging B2C and B2B market strategy.